《回憶馬尼拉》Manila Nostalgia #throwback
It's interesting for us to experience the local transportation in Manila. It quite special for me because this is different from other south east Asia country such as tuk tuk in Thailand and Cambodia or becak in Indonesia.
For photo at top is front view of jeepney, for below left is back view of jeepney, below right is tricycle. All the jeepney in Manila with a name, and the one we took photo with is called Michelle.
I felt happy because I had the chance to ride on them during my vacation in Manila. You must take a ride on when you visit to Philippines next time.
在還沒出發去馬尼拉之前,我就聽說了菲律賓吉普車…既然 都來到了,當然不能不去體驗道地的交通工具。這些菲律賓 的交通工具都有別於泰國柬埔寨的嘟嘟或者印尼的beca k。
馬尼拉的吉普車都好人性化,都有取名字。跟我們合影的就 叫做米雪兒。
我自己很開心可以體驗得到馬尼拉的交通工具,除了照片中 所看到的吉普車和tricycle…我還乘搭了當地的巴 士、馬車和地鐵,雖說這些交通工具跟我國類似卻又有不同 的感覺。
也不能說我沒有考慮到安全因素,只是就好奇使然想要體驗 一下。最主要的是在這些交通工具上,是我們旅客最能感受 當地居民的日常作息之一的觀光活動。其他比如到當地市集 和在道地餐廳用餐都可以觀察得到當地人的風土民情。
旅行中,除了步行,選擇當地交通工具也是不錯的體驗。要 是你有機會也來到馬尼拉,不妨放膽去嘗試這些交通工具吧 !你會看到很多很有趣的事!
#回憶馬尼拉 #菲常之旅 #窮遊體驗 #ManilaNostalgia #MagandaManila #Manila #Philippines #菲常日記018
— feeling fantastic with Lynn Hong, Fanny Lo and Harold S Nohay at Tagaytay @ Picnic Groove.It's interesting for us to experience the local transportation in Manila. It quite special for me because this is different from other south east Asia country such as tuk tuk in Thailand and Cambodia or becak in Indonesia.
For photo at top is front view of jeepney, for below left is back view of jeepney, below right is tricycle. All the jeepney in Manila with a name, and the one we took photo with is called Michelle.
I felt happy because I had the chance to ride on them during my vacation in Manila. You must take a ride on when you visit to Philippines next time.
#回憶馬尼拉 #菲常之旅 #窮遊體驗 #ManilaNostalgia #MagandaManila #Manila #Philippines #菲常日記018
nice one!
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