Wednesday, May 27, 2015


《在馬尼拉遇見的他》Met Him in Manila #throwback

On my second day in Manila. We met up with Harold S Nohay​. He is friendly person. A big and black rim glasses on his face, he just looks like a student. Walked along the Taft ave, Harold told us all he know about this city. He also bought us green mango with local fish paste and spicy salt, we enjoyed it. It's delicious!

That day is a hot weather, luckily typhoons didn't really entering Manila area. We stopped by and rest at the Rizal park. There's a lot Filipino family picnic and gathering at here.

Actually I do enjoy following the local to understand a place even by walking around the city.

I'd felt so grateful to know Harold, without him, we won't be so comfortable and feel safer in Manila. We enjoyed the buko juice (coconut juice in Tagalog) and ice cream under the sun. We love to selfie together.

Thanks Harold for take care of us. I will share some more about our story and Harold in future.  Stay tune.

今天是我們在馬尼拉的第二天,我們也約見沙發客Harold。他是個親切友善的菲律賓人,膚色黝黑。臉上架著一副黑框大眼鏡,看起來更是幾分學生樣。一見面,他親切寒暄後就帶我們遊走馬尼拉。走在Taft ave,Harold都在介紹著一路上有的大學、保安培訓所、中央醫院、法院、政府機構等等…他還買了青芒果請我們品嚐,青芒果是蘸點道地魚醬和椒鹽配食。這正合我胃!

從Quirino LRT一路走到黎薩公園Rizal Park,天氣一直維持高溫38度。這樣的艷陽天根本沒有所謂的颱風襲擊,大馬新聞播報地實在過份誇張。也不說清楚是哪裡在打颱風,搞得人心惶惶。這時正逢菲律賓的旱季,照理來說是不可能下雨或刮風…天氣應該是炎熱無風因為在菲律賓很遠很遠的外島打颱風,連帶了一些雲雨所以馬尼拉市區才不至於那麼熱。




我們隨心散步…渴了就停下喝buko juice(椰子水),累了就買雪條吃一吃為身體降溫。我們selfie留念…應該說是wefie才對!很感恩我們沒有合不來,至少可以交心分享…


#回憶馬尼拉 #菲常之旅 #在馬尼拉遇見的他 #MetHimInManila #窮遊體驗 #couchsurfing #相約沙發客 #沙發客 #ManilaNostalgia #MagandaManila #Manila #Philippines #菲常日記006


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